How to Write a Perfect CV for Jobs in 2022

By | January 12, 2022
How to Write a Perfect CV for Jobs in 2022

Follow to the end to see how to write a perfect CV for jobs in 2022. Curriculum Vitae is an outline of a person’s educational and professional history, usually prepared for job applications.

What is a CV?

For those who don’t know what a CV is. CV stands For Curriculum Vitae.

A CV is the most flexible and convenient way to make applications. It conveys your personal details in a way that presents you in the best possible light.

Many people see a CV to be the same as a Resume. Find their differences HERE

A CV is a marketing document which “sells” your skills, abilities, qualifications, and experience to employers. It can be used to make multiple applications to employers in a specific career area.

How to Write a Perfect CV for Jobs in 2022: Features and Tips 2022

  • A good heading

The heading here will be your personal details which should include your name, email address or residential address, your date of birth, marital status, nationality, and finally your contact number. Others may include their gender which is also necessary.

Including photography isn’t essential here. If you do include a photograph it should be ahead and shoulders shot, you should be dressed suitably and smiling: it’s not for a passport

  • Objectives

You should be able to clearly state your objectives to hiring managers or recruiters. Your objectives here should be clear about your goals. It should highlight your strengths.

It should tell the hiring manager or recruiter what you can offer to the organization rather than stating you want to be a part of its success in growth.

  • Personal Skills & Attributes

These are your people skills –

  • interpersonal skills
  • communication skills
  • Critical Thinking

and other qualities that enable you to be successful in the workplace.

Employees should be able to solve problems on their own using creative thinking and thoughtful analysis.

Dependability, Commitment to achieving consistent results, Constant improvement, Self-Development are very important qualities in an employee. List your personal skills in bullets.

  • Hard /Technical Skills

These are the qualifications required to do the job. For example, computer skills, administrative skills, language, or customer service skills.

Presenting your technical skills on a resume can be a challenge. Find out what hiring managers want to see. When you know what they want to see, list the skills out in bullets.

  • Work Experience

In this section, try to use more action words such as developed,  conducted, trained, supervised, and so on after stating the place of work and the work start date and end date.

Try to relate the skills to the job opening. A finance job will involve numeracy, analytical and problem-solving skills so focus on the skills related to the job you are applying for.

Start with most recent jobs downwards. Do not forget to bullet the workplaces and the experiences as you list them.

  • Educational Background

As a college student or recent graduate, you should place the Education section after your Hard/Technical Skills section.

The list should start with your recent qualification downwards. Beyond that, the length of your section will depend on the amount of work experience that you have.

This section will include the year your admission was processed and the year of completion, the name of the Institution, and the qualification of the program you offered.

  • Achievements

Any evidence of leadership is important to mention. You can choose to go with evidence of employability skills such as team working, organizing, planning, persuading, negotiating, etc. You should separate them out with bullets.

  • Interests/Hobbies

Avoid stating many passive, solitary hobbies. Any interests relevant to the job are worth mentioning.

Current affairs if you wish to be a journalist; a fantasy share portfolio such as Bullbearings if you want to work in finance.

  • Finally, References

You can omit this section if the job description does not require you to submit your references. If you want you can add this section.

Normally 2 or 3 referees are sufficient. But one of your referees should be an academic reference. The rest can be employees from your last job.

What makes a good CV?

good CV should be informative and concise. Its information should be clearly laid out, logically ordered, easy to read, and not mixed up.

It should be accurate in content, spelling, and grammar. Nobody likes an employee who can’t spell or does things in a disorganized manner.

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One thought on “How to Write a Perfect CV for Jobs in 2022

  1. Collins Asiedu

    When will the admission be out for the 2022/2023 academic calendar


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