University of Ghana College of Education Admission Requirements for 2021/2022 Academic Year

By | April 19, 2021

Applicants who are interested to get enrolled in the college of Education in the University of Ghana for the 2021/2022 academic year, below are the requirements you need to meet before you can start your applications.

The requirements are base on specific area of study or specialization.

BA Education (English)

Entry requirements:

Core: Credit passes in English, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science & Social Studies

Electives: Credit passes in any three elective subjects including English Literature.

BA Education (Non-Teaching)

Entry requirements:

Core: Credit passes in English, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science & Social Studies

Electives: Credit passes in any three elective subjects.

BA Sport and Physical Culture Studies

Entry requirements

Core: Credit passes in English, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science & Social Studies

Electives: Credit passes in any three elective subjects

B.Sc. Education (Mathematics)

Entry requirements:

Core: Credit passes in English, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science & Social Studies

Electives: Credit passes in Elective Mathematics and any other two elective subjects

B.Sc. Education (Biology)

Entry requirements:

Core: Credit passes in English, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science & Social Studies

Electives: Credit passes in Biology and any other two elective subjects

B.Sc. Education (Chemistry)

Entry requirements:

Core: Credit passes in English, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science & Social Studies

Electives: Credit passes in Chemistry and any other two elective subjects

B.Sc. Education (Physics)

Entry requirements:

Core: Credit passes in English, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science & Social Studies

Electives: Credit passes in Physics and any other two elective subjects

School of Continuing &Distance Education

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Entry requirements:

Core: Credit passes in English, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science & Social Studies

Electives: Credit passes in any three elective subjects with the total aggregate not exceeding 24

Bachelor of Arts

Core: Credit passes in English, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science & Social Studies

Electives: Credit passes in any three elective subjects with the total aggregate not more than 30

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Core: Credit passes in English, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science & Social Studies

Electives: Credit passes in any three elective subjects with the total aggregate not exceeding 30

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Applicants must be professional nurses who already have a Diploma in Nursing from a recognized Nursing Training College, with a Final Grade Point Average (FGPA) OF 2.5 or better.

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