Capacity Development Programme in Climate-Smart Agriculture Admission-UDS-2023

By | November 16, 2023

The Management of University for Development Studies has announced the ongoing of the capacity building short course on climate-smart agriculture  2023. Interested applicants are urged to submit their application before the deadline date is due:
30 November 2023

Capacity Short Course on Climate-Smart Agriculture:

The capacity building short course on climate-smart agriculture (C-Smart Agric) organized by the West African Center for Sustainable Rural Transformation (WAC-SRT) at the University for Development Studies, is a rigorous, unique learning experience that transforms early and mid-career professionals working in agriculture, environment and sustainability into competent leaders in their respective fields. C-Smart Agric is a four-week intensive program which will run from December 2 – December 23, 2023.

C-Smart Agric is an interdisciplinary training that incorporates workshops and seminars taught by renowned practitioners from various fields in industry. The policy aspect of the programme is emphasized. In addition, experts from academia in the areas of economic development, food security and climate change, cultural change, green finance, systems leadership, communications, project management, conflict resolution, and consensus building are core members of the instruction team.

C-Smart Agric intends to groom competent leaders by combining critical thinking with practical approaches. Upon completion, participants in the C-Smart Agric program are awarded with certificates of participation that can be used for promotion in their respective fields.

Who Should Apply:

This course is intended for various actors in the Agriculture Extension (Agricultural extension officers, senior agricultural officials, practitioners and policymakers) and those in industry working with communities, in governments, funding agencies, research organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for agricultural development, farmer organizations and cooperatives, development practitioners and programme managers and anyone who wants to learn more about modern and sustainable approaches for food production and farming that leave zero or minimal environmental footprints.

How to Apply: 

  • Applicants are required to use the customized online application form available at
  • There is no cost for application.
  • Selected applicants would be required to pay a small contribution towards materials costs and logistics only.


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