Entry Requirements For Colleges Of Education: Completing the application form online is the first step in the selection process. Applicants are therefore entreated to read through the admission documents carefully before completing their application.

General Entry Requirements For Colleges Of Education
The minimum requirement for admission to the four-year basic education programme in a college of education for WASSCE or SSSCE applicants is credit passes in five (5) subjects made up of three Core and two Elective subjects three of the five subjects must be English language, Mathematics, Integrated Science or Social Studies.
Specific requirements for admission to the various programme
The specific requirements for admission to the various programme options are as follows:
WASSCE/SSCE credit passes in five subjects comprising English language, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science or Social Studies, and two elective subjects.
Mathematics/science Requirements
WASSCE/SSCE credit passes in five subjects comprising English language, core Mathematics, integrated science, and two elective subjects in the area of Mathematics and or science.
French Requirements
WASSCE/SSCE credit passes in five subjects comprising English language, core Mathematics, integrated science or Social Studies, and two elective subjects including French.
Technical Requirements
WASSCE/SSCE passes in five subjects comprising English language, core Mathematics, integrated science or Social Studies, and two relevant elective subjects.
Is d7 accepted in College of Education 2023/2024?
Is the College of Education forms out for 2023/2024?
How do you apply for the college of education?
Supply your card information and ensure you keep the card safely for subsequent login.
Click ‘Login’ to start applying.
Fill the Application form and supply all required details, as well as attach a passport picture.
How can I check my admission list for college of education?
Then select the admission year from the drop-down list.
Afterward, choose the college of education you applied for.
Then click on the Check Admission list button to check your college of education Admission Status.
Is d7 accepted in teacher training college?
Prospective applicants should wait to get all their results before applying because only results provided at the time of submitting applications will be used in selecting students.
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