Tamale Technical University invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for appointments as Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff.
Tamale Technical University is a public university in Ghana. It was established in 1951 as a Trades Training Centre and was subsequently elevated as Junior Technical Institute in 1960. In August 1992, the institution was converted to a polytechnic following the promulgation of the PNDC Law 321 and later attained the status of a full-fledged university in 2018, through the Technical Universities (Amendment) Act, 2018 (Act 974).
The University is located in the capital city of the Northern Region of Ghana. Nestled in the Savannah Ecological Zone with all the amenities for raising a family, including affordable housing, etc.
The University provides a very friendly and people-centered environment for professional and personal growth. The core values of the University are discipline, efficiency, effectiveness, and excellence.
- Categories and Qualifications
- Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer: Applicants must have a terminal degree (Ph.D.) in a relevant subject area and must have attained the position of Associate Professor or Senior Lecturer from a recognized tertiary/research institution at the time of application. Applicants must show a strong research profile evidenced by peer-reviewed publication, presentation at academic conferences, published books/chapters, inventions, or evidence of applied research leading to the community or industrial applications.
- Lecturer: Applicants must have a terminal degree (Ph.D.) in a relevant subject area. Post qualification experience in a Lecturer’s grade from a recognized tertiary/research institution will be an asset. Evidence of teaching and research experience will be valuable.
- Assistant Lecturers: Applicants with strong demonstrated experience from a recognized tertiary/research institution with an M.Phil. or other thesis-based Master’s degree in a relevant subject area and are enrolled in a Ph.D. programme are encouraged to apply
- Assistant Research Fellow: Applicants must show a strong demonstrated experience in research with an M.Phil. or other thesis-based Master’s degree in a relevant subject area.
- The candidates will be expected to teach at the undergraduate level and to conduct applied research in the relevant area. Ability to develop and teach graduate-level courses and to supervise graduate students will be an asset.
- Specific Areas for Teaching/Research
- Categories and Qualifications
The following specific subject areas are required of interested applicants:
- Languages and International Relations (Chinese, Arabic, and French background)
- Library/Information Studies
- Theatre Art
- Art and Design Innovation
- Graphic Communication and Design Technology
- Fashion Design and Textiles
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Nursing and Midwifery
- Physical therapy and rehabilitation sciences
- Actuarial Science
- Food Science
- Hotel and Tourism Management
- Computer Science
- Decision Science/Financial Statistics
- Bio-statistics/computational statistics
- Pharmacy and Pharmacy Technology
- Procurement and Supply Chain Management
- Digital marketing
- Oil and gas marketing
- Accounting/Finance with specialization in Accounting information systems or related disciplines
- Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development
- Architectural Wood Technology
- Materials and Metallurgical Engineering
- Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
- Chemical Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
- Physical Planning
- Architecture
- Real Estate/Facility Planning
Staff in this grade shall be required to show high qualities of sound judgment, initiative, resourcefulness, precision, and professionalism in their area of specialization.
- Categories and Qualifications
- Head of Educational Development Centre (EDC)
- Categories and Qualifications
The incumbent shall be appointed at the level of Research Fellow (Lecturer grade). Qualifications and Experience
Applicants must hold a minimum of a Masters’ Degree in a relevant field. A relevant professional qualification would be an added advantage.
Duties and Responsibilities
The incumbent shall report to the Director of Academic Affairs, be responsible for the EDC, and develop and produce guidelines and education to enhance teaching and use of teaching technology in the classroom. In addition, the incumbent will be responsible for the development and enhancement of lecturer grantsmanship and to peer-review all grant applications before submission. The officer will also be responsible for seeking and bringing to TaTU grant opportunities and collaborations leading to grant opportunities.
- Assistant Quality Assurance Officer
Qualifications and Experience
Applicants must hold a minimum of a Masters’ Degree in a relevant field. A relevant professional qualification would be an added advantage
Duties and Responsibilities
The Assistant Quality Assurance Officer shall assist the Quality Assurance Officer in the overall administration and management of the office and the discharge of its functions as provided for in the Guiding Statutes of the University.
- Assistant Development Officer
The Assistant Development Officer shall be responsible to the Director of Works and Physical Development.
Duties and Responsibilities
The Assistant Development Officer shall assist the Director of Works and Physical Development in the overall administration of the Works and Physical Development Department and functions as provided for in the Technical Universities Act 2016, Act 922, and the Guiding Statutes.
Qualifications and Experience
Applicant must have a minimum of Masters’ Degree in the Building Technology (Quantity Survey etc), Architecture, Civil Engineering, Facility Management or relevant areas of study PLUS relevant Professional Qualification with at least two (2) years post-qualification experience.
Staff in this grade shall be required to show high qualities of sound judgment, initiative, resourcefulness, precision, and professionalism in their area of specialization.
- Library Assistants/Senior Library Assistants
Qualification and experience
- A Bachelor’s degree in the relevant subject area awarded by a recognized institution;
- Diploma in Library/Archival/Information Studies awarded by a recognized institution
- Candidates must be computer literate
- Technicians/Senior Technicians
Tamale Technical University Seeks Applications for Technicians/Senior Technician in the areas listed below:
- Hotel, catering, and institutional management
- Food Technology
- Electrical/electronic engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Civil engineering/Geomatic Engineering
- Agricultural engineering/General agriculture
- Water and soil engineering
- Industrial Art
- Fashion design and textile studies/textiles mechanic
Qualifications and Experience
- Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree or a Higher National Diploma in a relevant subject area awarded by a recognized institution.
- Senior Planning Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities
- Performs the duties of Planning Assistant at a higher level of responsibility; and
- Performs any other duties that may be assigned from time to time by the appropriate authority.
Qualification and Experience
- Applicant must hold a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant subject area awarded by a recognized institution.
- Senior Development Assistant (Maintenance Officer)
Qualification and Experience
- A relevant Bachelor’s degree awarded (Building Technology) by a recognized institution;
- A relevant HND/University awarded by a recognized institution and must have served as a Development Assistant in a University or comparable grade in a similar institution/organization with for least (4) years;
- Chief Nursing Officer (Theatre/Peri-Operative Nurse)
Qualification and Experience
- Applicant must hold the Bachelor in Nursing/Midwifery/Diploma of Nursing from a recognized and accredited institution/State Registered Nurse (SRN) with the Nurses and Midwifery Council and must have served as Principal Nursing Officer in a University or comparable grade in a similar institution/organization for at least six (6) years.
- Principal Nursing Officers (Midwife & Anesthetist)
Qualification and Experience
- Applicant must hold the Bachelor in Nursing/Midwifery/Diploma of Nursing from a recognized and accredited institution/State Registered Nurse (SRN) with the Nurses and Midwifery Council and must have served as Senior Nursing Officer in a University or comparable grade in a similar institution/organization for at least five (5) years.
- Applications should include cover letters (indicating the position applied for), Current Curriculum Vitae (with contact details of three referees), and copies of certificates.
- Applicants for teaching positions should include brief teaching and research statement not exceeding two (2) pages.
- Applications must be hand-delivered in a sealed envelope or by courier, to the Registry of the University and signed for, and also submit soft copies using an electronic mail (e-mail) to reach the addresses below:
The Registrar Tamale Technical University
P.O. Box 3 E/R
Email hr@tatu.edu.gh
NOTE: The deadline for the receipt of all applications is Monday, 30th August 2021, at 5:00 pm.
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