Grading System For WASSCE 2021

By | May 6, 2021

Grading System For WASSCE 2021 With Marks

Now, due to the competitive nature of admissions across the world, it is better to understand the SHS grading system well implemented by GES in Ghana.

In this regard, you will set your own learning objectives in order to get quality grades in your secondary school examination which will help you to climb the educational lather.

As a result, you will strive to get the grades you need to secure admission to a university, college, or school.

Likewise, you may also enter into a profession directly with your high school result, such as the Police Service, Military, etc.

Now, this is the 2021 WASSCE grades with their respective marks attached to them. Also, you will find the interpretation of the WAEC score range and grade right below.

WASSCE Results Interpretation

Certainly, check out the full WASSCE grade interpretation for WAEC result in the table just below.

Indeed you find that the interpretation of WASSCE results in the table has been done according to Grade, Equivalent, Score, and Interpretation.

As a matter of fact, this is the current WAEC grading system for WASSCE students.

Grade Equivalent Percentage Interpretation
A1 1 (75-100)% Excellent
B2 2 (70-74)% Very Good
B3 3 (65-69)% Good
C4 4 (60-64)% Credit
C5 5 (55-59)% Credit
C6 6 (50-54)% Credit
D7 7 (45-49)% Pass
E8 8 (40-44)% Pass
F9 9 (0-39)% Fail

For instance, in the WASSCE grades interpretation above, you will find that, to obtain A1, in WASSCE, you need to get marks of 71% to 100%, which is equivalent to 1 and interpreted as excellent.

However, you must bear in mind that the WAEC grading system for WASSCE 2021 is not static. Rather, experience over the years has shown that it sometimes changes according to the performance of WASSCE candidates that year.

Grading System For WASSCE 2021

Now, are there any changes to the WASSCE grading system 2020 for the 2021 WAEC Examination? Surely, you will find the answer right here.

As I indicated above, the WASSCE grading system is very flexible. Thus, WAEC sometimes adjusts the grading structure to suit the performance of students of a specific year.

This means that WAEC may adjust the grading policy in a particular year in accordance with the results that candidates obtained in that year.

Nevertheless, the official grading system remains the same for relatively many years.

Also, I must emphasize that the current WAEC grading system makes it clear that, any marks below 54 disqualify you from gaining admission to a university in Ghana.

This is because the highest grade for admission into a Ghanaian university is grade C6.

For example, WAEC can fix the marks for A1 in business management at 80-100, if too many students scored above 70 marks in that subject that year.

Similarly, WAEC may give A1 to candidates who score 60-70 in Core Mathematics, if students generally performance in that year poorly. This explains why I said the WAEC grading system is flexible.

Furthermore, let’s look at certain interesting facts about the WAEC grading system image above.

 The WASSCE 2021 Grading System

The New WAEC grading system 2020 is well designed to assess and grade students who write the WAEC examination.

Certainly, Ghanaian students are no exception. For instance, the 2020 WASSCE grading system in Ghana has been designed to ensure fairness and equity.

The WAEC new grading system 2020 is not much different from the WAEC grading system 2018 and WAEC grading system 2019.

Surely, remember that previous WAEC grading policies are the reference for crafting the WASSCE grading system for the 2020 examination.

Now let’s check some interesting facts of the new WAEC grading policy for 2020 exams below:

  • Firstly, WAEC is the official examining body mandated by the regulatory authorities to conduct examinations for senior high students across the West African Sub-region. Thus, WAEC grades students and certifies them for higher academic pursuits.
  • Secondly, The final grade WAEC gives to students is determined by the student’s continuous assessment records in school, in addition to what you obtain in your final exams.
  • Thirdly, every tertiary educational institution has its own admission requirement based their facilities, and statutory regulations. Thus, the law of every country imposes certain minimum admission requirements on tertiary institutions. For example, in Ghana, the highest aggregate you can use to gain admission into a university is aggregate 24. Now, Learn how to calculate your WASSCE grades and aggregates below:

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