UEW Grading System and Certificate Classification

In today’s article, we have provided the UEW grading system and certificate classification. Every university, they have a certain system they use in grading students. Before you can go to the next level, you need to obtain a pass mark from the grading system.

We have provided the grading system, notations used, and what they mean. Also, there are instances where students are given notations. Such notations are not in the grading system but represent something in it.

Certificates are awarded according to classes and the system of grading will determine your class.

An undergraduate student’s performance in a course shall be graded using Grade Points as shown in the table.

UEW Grading System and Certificate Classification

Mark Grade Grade Point Description
80-100 A 4.0 Excellent
75-79 B+ 3.5 Very Good
70-74 B 3.0 Good
65-69 C+ 2.5 Average
60-64 C 2.0 Fair
55-59 D+ 1.5 Barely Satisfactory
50-54 D 1.0 Weak Pass
0-49 E 0 Fail

Note: Grade Labels and Descriptions

  • The pass grades are “A” to “D”.
  • Failure Grade: Failure mark is scoring 49 or below. A letter grade of “E” is awarded.
  • Non-completion of Course Work: The following designations shall be used for types of non-completion of course work described below:
Notation Description
IC Incomplete
W Drop after Deadline
UD Unofficial Drop
X Disqualification
Y Work still in Progress
Z Examination Malpractice

What do all the notations mean and instances where they are given as grades?

  • An “ICgrade (Incomplete) shall be awarded to a student who is unable to complete a course for reasons of ill-health justified by the Faculty/Department as satisfactory. A student may receive a grade of Incomplete (“IC”) only if the course works remaining to be done by the end of the semester is small. And the lecturer approves an extension for completing the unfinished work. The new grade will be given when the coursework is completed.
  • A “W” grade (Drop) shall be awarded to a student who drops a course he/she registered for within the stipulated schedule (i.e., by the third week in a full semester or the second week in a sandwich session).
  • A “UD” grade (Unofficial Drop) shall be awarded to a student who registers for a course and either never attends or stops attending— but does not officially drop the course. A designation of “UD” is equivalent to a grade of “E” (Fail).
  • An “X” grade (Disqualification) shall be awarded to a student who is unable to complete a course for reasons of ill-health or reasons other than ill-health and justified by the Faculty/Department as satisfactory. Such a student shall be expected to complete the course the very next time the course is available.
  • A “Y” grade (Work Still in Progress) shall be awarded to a student who is unable to complete a course designed with a multi-term sequence, i.e., going beyond one semester. The lecturer may report a “Y” grade at the end of the first term to indicate that the work is still in progress. When a final grade is reported, the grade will be posted for both terms and the “Y” notation will be removed.
  • A “Z” grade (Examination Malpractice) shall be awarded to a student whenever it is established that the student had attempted to gain an unfair advantage in an examination. Be it in an end-of-semester examination or continuous assessment or any other category of assessment. Such a student shall be debarred from taking any of the University’s examinations for a stated period, or indefinitely, or may be expelled from the university altogether.

Bachelor’s Degree Certificate Classification

Class Designation CGPA
First Class 3.5-4.0
Second Class Upper 3.0 – 3.49
Second Class Lower 2.5 – 2.99
Third Class 2.0 – 2.49
Pass 1.0 – 1.99


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