How to purchase the e-voucher
- Enter the USSD code: *887*9# on your phone.
- Enter CU as the name of the university (eg: CU)
- Select the form you want to purchase from the list of options
- Wait for the prompt to approve the payment
- Enter pin to approve payment
- If the prompt was not received, dial *170# and select my approvals to make payment
- An SMS will be received after successful payment with the voucher details
- To Retrieve Voucher Dial *887*9#
- Select option to view history
Choose a programme
- After purchasing the e-voucher, locate and click on select a programme or click on here to choose a program
- The programme’s date of application is in two folds, choose your desire programme and click on it.
- Enter your e-voucher serial number and pin in the space provided and click on verify.
- Enter your details and apply.
Apply for central university 2023/224
- Open the central university official site using the link via: apply now
- Locate apply now on the home dashboard and click on it
- Click here to know how to purchase an e-voucher: application form instructions
- Check your downloads after clicking on the link
- Purchase an e-voucher with a serial and a pin to enable you apply
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