As you wait for PRINCOF to release the admission list for all the 46 colleges of education in Ghana, there is a need to know How to Check and Print a College of Education Admission Letter for 2023/2024.
Knowing how to check and print your admission letter will help you to easily check and see if you have been admitted to your preferred college or not.
In our earlier update, we gave out the Release date for the college of education admission list. In this update, we are going to take you through How to Check and Print a College of Education Admission Letter.
To print your college of education admission letters, you will need your Reference Number.
The reference number is the application number you received after online filling out the application form.
The reference number is so important that you will use it in all official works in the college.
This starts from payment of fees, using it as student ID, including when submitting assignments, etc before the index number will be given.
How to Print College of Education Admission Letter
- Applicants will be required to access the following page admissionsghana.com
- Select colleges of education as your category
- On the next window, select the academic year of your application. Thus, 2023/2024
- Select the school that has given you admission
- You will be required to enter your application reference number.
- Your admission information will be shown, click on send code.
- After that, a code will be sent to you. You will use the code to print out your admission letter if you are given admission.
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I didn’t find Wiawso college and Dambai college of education
It means their admission is not yet out. Please do check again.
Please I have not gotten my admission
Or gotten any message from SMS