Below you will find the list of courses offered at Akenten Appiah-Menka Universoty of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development(AMMUSTED), University of Education Winnneba. The following list of courses is available for undergraduate, graduate and certificate applicants which is accredited by the National Accreditation Board (NAB).
Full time programmes for Undergraduate
B.Sc. Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship Education
B.Sc. Agricultural Science Education
B.Sc. Natural Resource Management and Education
Post-Dip./ B.Sc. Environmental Health and Sanitation Education
B.Sc. Integrated Science Education
B.Sc. Biological Sciences Education
B.Sc. Chemistry Education
B.Sc. Physics Education
B.Sc. Mathematics Education
B.Sc. Public Health Education
B.Ed Early Grade Education (Early Childhood)
B.Ed Upper Primary Education
B.Ed Junior High Education
Graduate Full time Programmes
M.Phil. Environmental and Occupational Health (2years)
M.Phil. Chemistry (2years)
M.Phil. Biology (2years)
M.Phil. Biology Education
M.Phil. Science Education
M.Phil. Crop Science Edu. (2yrs)
M.Phil Soil Science (2years)
M.Phil Animal Science (2years)
PhD. Crop Science (4years)
PhD. Animal Science (4years)
PhD.Soil Science (4years)
Sandwich Programmes
Post-Dip. / B.Sc. Environmental Health and Sanitation Education
Diploma in Environmental Health & Sanitation Education(1 year -2 sessions)
Diploma in Education
Graduate Sandwich
M.ED – Mathematics Education
M.ED – Science Education
Kumasi Campus also offer these number of courses
Full time programmes
B. Sc. Automotive Engineering Technology Education
B. Sc. Mechanical Engineering Technology Education
B. Sc. Wood Technology Education
B. Sc. Construction Technology Education
B. Sc. Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology Education
B.Sc. Sustainable Energy Systems
B. Sc. Fashion Design and Textiles Education
B. Sc. Catering and Hospitality Education
B. Sc. Information Technology Education
B. Sc. Mathematics Education
B. A. Arabic Education
B. A. English Education
B. A. French Education
B. A. French with English Education
B. A. Economics with Social Studies Education
B. A. Social Studies with Economics Education
B. B. A. Secretarial Education
B. Ed Early Grade Education (Early Childhood)
B. Sc. Accounting Education
B. Sc. Management Education
Post Diploma Construction Technology Education
Post Diploma Wood Technology Education
Post Diploma Construction Technology Education
Post Diploma Mechanical and Automotive Technology Education
Post Diploma Electrical / Electronic Technology Education
2 years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technology
2 years Diploma in Automotive Technology
Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology
Full time graduate programmes
M.Phil. Construction Technology or Management (Option)
M.Phil. Wood Science and Technology
M.Phil. Mechanical Engineering Technology
M.Phil. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology
M.Phil. Mathematics Education
M.Phil. Educational Leadership
M.Phil. Philosophy
PhD. Construction Tech/Management
PhD. Wood Science & Technology
PhD. Mathematics Education
PhD. Educational Leadership
Sandwich Graduate Programmes
M.Tech – Construction (Technology Option)
M.Tech – Construction (Management Option).
M.Tech – Electricals/Electronics Engineering
M.Tech – Mechanical Engineering Technology
M.Tech – Wood Science & Technology
M.Tech – Fashion and Textiles
M.Tech – Catering and Hospitality
M.SC. – Information Technology Edu.
M.ED – Mathematics Education
M.A. – Educational Leadership
Sandwich Programmes
B.Sc. Construction Technology Education
B.Sc. Wood Technology Education
B.Sc. Mechanical and Automotive Technology Education
B.Sc. Electrical / Electronic Technology Education
B.Sc. Sustainable Energy Systems
B. Sc. Mathematics Education
B. Sc. Catering and Hospitality Management Education
B.Sc. Fashion Design and Textiles Education
Post Diploma Construction Technology Education
Post Diploma Wood Technology Education
Post Diploma Mechanical and Automotive Technology Education
Post Diploma Electrical / Electronic Technology Education
2 years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technology
2 years Diploma in Automotive Technology
Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology
Diploma in Education
Weekend/Evening Programmes
B. Sc. Marketing
B. B. A. Management
B.SC. Administration (Banking & Finance Option)
B.SC. Administration (Business Information System Option)
B.SC. Administration (Accounting Option)
B. B. A. Executive Office Administration
B.SC. Administration (Procurement and Supply Chain Management Option)
B. Sc. Mathematics Education
B. Sc. Information Technology Education
B. Sc. Information Technology (Evening)
B.Sc. Marketing and Entrepreneurship
B.B.A. Human Resource Management
B.Sc. Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Graduate Programmes Weekends
M.Sc. Information Technology Education
MBA Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour
MBA Accounting
MBA Finance
MBA Marketing
Sandwich Program
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Can you get admission with d7 in maths to offer education in catering and hospitality management
Yes Please. You can check the cut-off point for the course/programme of your choice here.
Good evening, I did degree in basic education science option can I teach in SHS after completing M. Ed science?
Please I have diploma in information will I allow to do degree in nutrition or disease control
Yes Pllease
Can you get admission with d7 in maths to offer education in catering and hospitality management at University of Appiah menkah
Yes Please. you can check the cut-off point for the course/programme of your choice here.
Please am diploma holder in education can I offer enegineering courses
Pls i did visual art at shs….ive finished diploma in basic education…can i use the dbe to do a programme like social which i can use to teach at the shs
Yes. Please.
Please, when is the deadline for the submission of forms. I read it has not been specified. I want to offer the Mphil. Environmental and Occupational Health.
Please you can see the deadline for the submission of forms for the various programmes here. Thank you.
Please do offer Mphil Linguistics at the Kumasi campus
I want verify if the institution offers ict under sandwich programs
Good morning
Please do you offer M.Phil distance courses as well e.g. Construction Tech.
Can 3rd class offer Master’s in Education management
I have a degree in Education (Basic), Can I get admission to offer M.Tech Construction?
Please am diploma holder in English and Social ,can I offer engineer as a top up course
Diploma in informatics offer degree in nutrition
Please do you offer degree in textiles and fashion design?
Please I want to do one year B tech program on education
Because am having HND in plumbing and Gas Technology and I want to do education so that I can teach in Technical Schools
I completed this year 2023
You can buy the form and apply if only you meet all the requirements.
Please can a person change a course that you have given to him or her after you have sent the person admission
I learnt fashion from the tailors which is not on school basis and I have NVTI CERTIFICATE and I want to further it in your institution as distance program please can it be possible?