The Leibniz University of Hannover has set up the Emergency Grant programme to provide financial support to international students in Germany.
The grant is open to non-EU students who hold relevant qualifications. Students are liable to receive funding and resident permit upon winning this opportunity.
The Leibniz University of Hannover takes full responsibility for seeking sustainable, peaceful, and responsible solutions to the critical issues of tomorrow. The expertise for the broad spectrum of subjects, ranging from engineering and natural sciences to architecture and environmental planning, from law and economics to social sciences and humanities, are all stocked at LUH.
Brief Description
- University or Organization: Leibniz University of Hannover
- Course Level: Undergraduate and Graduate
- Award: Tuition fee
- Access Mode: Online
- Nationality: International
- The award can be taken in Germany
- Application Deadline: 15th July 2021
NOTE: The applicants must currently be enrolled at LUH.
How to Apply
Students must apply using the application platform provided by the government. The applicants must fill a separate application form to apply for the grant and upload it here.
Supporting Documents
- Passport
- Previous education transcripts
- Tenancy agreements
- Certificate of earning
- Grade transcripts of academic records
Language Requirement
- TOEFL IBT – 72
- IELTS – 6.0
- DSH – 2
- TestDaF – 4.4
The selected non-EU nationals will be provided funding towards the cost of study in Germany at LUH and residence permit by the university.
Apply Now
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