Entrance Exams to be Introduced into Colleges of Education

By | February 5, 2022

Information gathered from the meeting between NTC and GBEST indicates that there would be a reform of teachers’ licensure this year. It indicates that entrance exams would be introduced into Colleges of Education.

Applicants applying for the 2022/2023 academic year are likely to write entrance exams before gaining admission. The concern arises as to the result of the rapid failure from GTLE.

Instead of writing Literacy and Numeracy after graduation, you will need to write it before entering College. This will give you enough time to be trained.

The logic here is that all students are expected to pass numeracy and literacy before getting admitted into College. This reform is to ensure that Colleges of Education have a uniform entry requirement.

The Ghana Basic Education Skills Examination Test (GBEST) will now become the entry boundary into Colleges of Education.

When a qualified and admitted candidate completes his/her study, they will write subject-based licensure to be granted a license.

To harmonize teacher education admissions in the country, NTC proposes this as part of the education reform in the country.

The reforms would ensure that students who applied to be trained as teachers had the required qualifications and disposition to become teachers.

Entrance Exams to be Introduced into Colleges of Education…? What are your suggestions?

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One thought on “Entrance Exams to be Introduced into Colleges of Education

  1. Ritty

    I suggest it’s not a good thing .. n it’s done the uniforms for colleges should stop


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