How to Write STS Report and Child Study as a College Student

Supported Teaching in School (STS) is one of the components of the 4-year B.Ed. curriculum which all students must observe. After every STS activity students must write a report on what they have observed. Find here, how to write STS report and child study as a college student.

The STS activity the students undergo is weekly and are placed or sent to schools (JHS, Primary etc) based on the programmes they offer.

They are required to go for the observation for six weeks every semester and each week has its own activity. Students will carry those activities for each week accordingly.

They have Student Reflective Journals (SRJ) that helps them to collect data about the school, teachers and students. This helps them to write their reports.

How to Write STS Report and Child Study as a College Student

Let’s see what students need to capture in their report according to weeks.

Before you start your report, make sure you have your personal teaching philosophy stated and explained. It is one of the requirements for writing STS report.

One of the most important thing student must take note of is to write the report according to weeks. And the paragraphs must be linked to each other and provide complete thought or meaning.

Week One (1)

For each level, the first activity is becoming familiar with the school you are placed. When writing your STS, make sure you capture the school profile, history of school, total enrollment, stakeholders of the school. Make sure you are accurate when providing this information because others will provide same information (STS Partners). All activities observed should be reported.

School culture, Key education policies, wider school life are also expected to be captured in your reports.

Week Two (2)

STS week two activities has to do with the discussion of the Basic School Curriculum (BSC). You need to list some of the curriculum materials found in the school and some features of the BSC. Also, provide the difference and similarities between scheme of work and syllabus and information related to scope and sequence in the BSc.

Week Three (3)

This week is more concern about classroom observation. Observing teacher’s traits, lesson presentation, and wider school life. You will provide implications of some of the domains of learning (cognitive, affective etc) and wider school life experience. Students must clearly indicate what they have observed in this week.

Week Four (4) and Five (5)

This week is also concern with the studying of teachers as well as studying of some selected learners of your choice in class (Child Study). You will need to collect data about the students indicating their needs, their profile and how to address their needs.

On part of the teachers, you will need to enumerate some of the professional traits (Level 100s) that you have seen in teachers. It will be good in these weeks, if you can get audios or videos of the teacher or learners you study.

Also, you will provide some alternatives to be used to help those learners you have studied to overcome those challenges. You will also state what you have seen the teacher doing to help those learners.

Week Six (6)

This has to do with discussion of personal teaching philosophy and building teaching portfolio. The teaching philosophy explains your beliefs and values about teaching and learning. It is captured as a separate component and also must be explained together with building of teaching portfolios at the sixth week.

How to Write Child Study

The child study is one of the components needed for the second semester of each academic year visit. It requires you to undertake a small scale study of about two to four learners. You will need to identify their needs and provide solutions or remedies to them. Find below, what must be included in the Child Study:

Child Profile

This include the background of the child and also the educational need or what the learner is lacking.

Child Behavior

Despite the challenges or the need of the child, he/she has how they behave in the class. Clearly indicate what the child shows to conclude that he/she is really facing such issue (need).

Strength and Weakness

Provide the details on the performance of the child. With the disability or educational need, they have areas which they are active and areas that they are week. Provide clearly where the child need to be praised and where the child need improvement or reinforcement.

Learning Style

Each learner has the way he/she learns. Some learn when they hear the teacher, others too learn when they see what is taught and others too learn when they have hands-on experience. Clearly show how the learner you observed learns.

Child Response to Teaching Approaches

Show how the learner with educational need or disability cope up with the methodologies deployed by the teacher in teaching and learning setting. Does the child understand? Does he find it difficult? Explain that.


After carrying out all the studies and knowing all the above, what do you recommend should be done to help the child? You need to provide alternatives other than what the teachers are using to help the learner get included in teaching and learning process.

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