The Educational Pathways International (Epi) has officially opened applications for scholarships to brilliant but needy undergraduate students of UDS reading full time programmes for the 2023/2024 Academic Year.
Educational Pathways International is a foundation that offers scholarships for brilliant but needy students to enable them pursue University education in their own country. Interested applicants can find the application form on the UDS official website at: www.uds.edu.gh. Applicants are edged to submit their applications before the deadline date elapses which is on the 31st January 2024.
PLEASE NOTE: No applications would be accepted after the deadline
How to Apply:
EPI offers University scholarships to Ghanaian student of serious financial need who, on the basis of academic achievement, intelligence, personal recommendations, and other supporting materials, can be considered “gifted”. EPI accepts applications from students accepted and registered at the University for Development Studies, Tamale. Scholarships are highly competitive and require the submission of a formal application which includes written essays describing why the applicant feels he/she
should be considered for the program and how upon graduation he/she will make a difference within his or her home country. Finalists are interviewed after two priliminary selection processes by a panel consisting of EPI staff and personnel from UDS.
Scholarship Benefits:
The scholarship will cover tuition, books, as well as room and board, and a little extra will be awarded until completion as long as excellent academic standards of at least a ‘B’ CGPA (3.5 GPA) continue to be met.
You Are Eligible to Apply IF You:
- Are a level 100 student.
- Reside in an impoverished part of the country.
- Attended a less endowed school (GES approved)
- Are able to demonstrate limited family income and/or insufficient funds to cover most or all educational related expenses.
- Have the will to succeed (determination, perseverance and success in other pursuits)
- Obtained an aggregate of 11 or better at the WASSCE
- Confirm that you are not currently receiving support through any other scholarship program and pledge not to accept any other scholarship while in the EPI program.
- Are upon graduation, willing to work for a minimum of two years in Ghana.
- Will during no-school periods, work in a company as an internship or do community service within Ghana.
- Are a gifted child.
Scholarship Requirements:
Submit a completed SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION and the required essays and
- West African Senior School Certificate Exam (WASSCE) Results
- High School Transcripts (Terminal Reports)
- University Acceptance Letter
- Proof of registration (Level 100 students)
- Records regarding achievement tests, academic awards, honors, and
- substantive assessments by teachers, including letters of recommendation.
- Documents to substantiate your need.
Selection Process
The following selection criteria are used when considering candidates for the Educational Pathways International Program:
- Academic achievement and intelligence (including grades and achievement test, academic awards and honors, substantive assessments by teachers, including letters of recommendation, as well as possession of a high number of characteristics outlined in the Educational Pathways International gifted children definition.
- Unmet financial need (limited family income and/or insufficient funds to cover most or all educational-related expenses)
- The will to succeed (determination, perseverance, and success in other pursuits)
- Submission of three easy describing why this individual feels he/she should be considered for the program and how upon graduation he/she will make a difference within his or her country of residence.
- Acceptance in an accredited approved institution of higher learning.
To read more about the scholarship, click on the link bellow >> https://uds.edu.gh/logmein/uploads/documents/EPI_New_Application_Form.pdf
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