The University of Ghana has received funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation of New York, USA to train additional Ph.D. students in a project titled Enhancing Capacity and Postgraduate Education in the Humanities+ (ENCAPEH+) at the University of Ghana. The purpose of the project is to support further doctoral training in the Humanities of the University of Ghana.
The focus of the fellowship is in the following disciplines/units:
- Languages (Including English, Linguistics, French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Kiswahili, and Russian)
- Arts (including Philosophy and Classics, Archeology and Heritage Studies, the Study of Religions and History)
- Performing Arts (Including Dance, Music and Theater Arts)
- African Studies
An applicant for the Ph.D. fellowships:
- Should hold MA/MSc/MPhil degree in any of the disciplines listed above, or in a related field
- Should have excellent academic credentials and demonstrate commitment to pursuing an academic career
Women are particularly encouraged to apply. Current First-Year Ph.D. students in any of the departments listed above may apply. Students should attach their admission letters from the graduate school.
Application Guideline
Applicants should press and hold the Ctrl button and click the link below to complete the application form https://forms.gle/5db676Voxs3M1xXt6 and submit the following by July 15, 2021.
Supporting Documents
- An updated CV
- Names and contact details of three referees
- Certified copies of First Degree and Master’s Certificates transcripts
- Ph.D. research proposal of NOT more than 3 pages clearly outlining the background, objectives, scope, and methodology
- A one-page motivation statement
- A work plan and a budget attached as separate sheets
Instruction of Document Upload
Applicants should save their documents as follows:
Last name_document name_programme applied for.
For example Zakari_master’stranscript_PhD
The deadline for submission of the application is 5:00 pm on Thursday, July 15, 2021.
For more information, please send an email to encapehug@ug.ed.gh
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