University of Ghana 2021-2022 SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship Scheme

By | April 16, 2021

The SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship is a scheme which seeks to provide financial support to needy and brilliant undergraduate students of the University of Ghana.

In the university, many students face a lot of financial challenges so the SRC made it a core mandate to ensure that every student gets easy access to education regardless of his or her financial status.

It is for this reason that the SRC collaborates with the Students Financial Aid Office (SFAO) every year to enroll students onto the SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship Scheme. The SRC Yi Boa scholarship scheme is for needy Undergraduate University of Ghana students with progressive academic performance.

Eligibility Criteria

Before you apply for the aid, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Be a student of University of Ghana (regular, fee-paying, city campus or a Distance education student).
  • Be able to demonstrate financial need.

How to Apply

You are required to submit an online application form with all relevant supporting documents to the Students Financial Aid Office (SFAO). It is very important to respond fully to all the questions on the form which are applicable to you. You may be asked for additional information if any response or information on your application is not clear or needs correction.

Shortlisted applicants would be called for an interview. Successful applicants would receive a notification from the SFAO and the award would be credited to their University of Ghana student account.

Financial Aid for Undergraduate Students

The SFAO is accepting applications from Undergraduate (regular, fee-paying, city campus or a Distance education). students for the 2021-2022 academic year.

Please click here for more information:

  • If you are applying for financial aid for the first time, or was unsuccessful with your previous application please download and use YI BI BOA FORM A
  • If you have previously been awarded financial aid by the SFAO (and would like to renew), then please download and use YI BI BOA FORM B

Supporting Documents

The following are EXAMPLES of documents that can be used to support applications:

  • Official pay slip or payroll record of parents/guardians or the applicant.
  • Recent school receipts/ bills of siblings of school going age.
  • Tax return receipts– IRS, VAT, tabletop hawking receipts, etc.
  • Birth Certificates (of siblings).
  • Death Certificate or Burial permit (in case of death of a parent).
  • Pension letter for retired parents/guardians.
  • Bank Statements / Ghana Cocoa Board Farmers Association Passbook.
  • SSNIT contribution statements.
  • Money transfer receipts.
  • National Health Insurance receipts (showing premium paid).
  • Evidence of other dependents of parents/guardians.
  • Any other supporting documents that you believe will assist in the processing, of your application.

Please Note: It is important that your eligibility for student financial aid be based on accurate information. In doing so, together, we can ensure that the right students get financial support and that the integrity of the University of Ghana Students’ Representative Council YI BI BOA Scholarship Scheme is preserved.

Misrepresentation in any form or manner shall render an application null and void. Any awards made based on a misrepresentation shall be withdrawn or refunded by the applicant, and in addition, he/she may also be prosecuted. Applicants should be concise and clear in filling the form so as to avoid rejection.

Click here to complete Online Application Form.


DEADLINE for the submission of the applications with relevant supporting documents is Friday, 14th May, 2021 at 2:00 pm

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