Colleges of Education First Semester Examination Rules and Regulations

By | April 8, 2022

Colleges of Education level 100 students will commence examination on the 11th of April. Find here, Colleges of Education First Semester Examination Rules and Regulations.

Rules and regulations are set to guide students write their exams. It is also spelled out to make students aware of any actions to be taken in case of any malpractice.

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Students are hereby informed of the rules and regulations governing the end of the first semester examinations.

Colleges of Education First Semester Examination Rules and Regulations

  1. A student who does not take continuous assessment does not qualify to take the end-of-semester/session examination.
  2. It is the responsibility of the candidate to find the examination room well in advance and to be seated at least fifteen (15) minutes before the commencement of any examination paper.
  3. Students shall write their names on the question paper unless otherwise stated in the rubrics.
  4. Candidates are required to use their Index numbers (written in full) throughout the examination.
  5. Under no circumstances must a candidate’s name be written on any part of the answer booklets provided. Candidates who fail to comply with this regulation shall be penalized.
  6. A candidate arriving late may be refused entry to the examination hall/room. Normally no candidate will be allowed to leave the examination room during the first half-hour of the period allowed for a paper or enter the examination room after the half-hour.  Any exception to this rule must be reported in writing to the relevant Head of Department.
  7. Any candidate leaving the examination room and intending to return must be accompanied while outside the examination room by an attendant.
  8. Candidates may be required at any time to establish their identity.
  9. No books, bags, prepared notes, or papers of any kind are to be taken into the examination room unless otherwise specified.
  10. Smoking is not allowed in the examination room.
  11. There should be no communication whatsoever (verbal or non-verbal) between candidates during the examination. A candidate may attract the attention of the invigilator by raising a hand.
  12. Any irregular conduct on the part of a candidate such as copying from another student or from prepared notes may result in the cancellation of his/her examination paper and /or a more severe penalty.
  13. Candidates who take mobile phones, iPods, MP3 players, or any electronic gadgets other than what is prescribed for the examination, to the examination room shall have them confiscated.
  14. Candidates are supposed to provide their own writing materials such as pencils, erasers, correction fluid, etc. It shall be an offense for candidates to collect the said materials from colleagues or ask invigilators to collect some for them.
  15. Candidates should not remove from the examination room any unused material e.g. answer booklets or parts thereof, supplementary answer sheets, graph sheets, drawing paper supplied for the examination. Candidates may, however, retain their question papers except for the rubric states otherwise.
  16. A candidate who finishes an examination ahead of time may leave the Examination Room after surrendering his/her answer booklet. The candidate shall not be allowed to return to the Examination Room.
  17. Candidates should not in any way interfere with the stapling of answer booklet (s). Any complaints about the answer booklet(s) should be brought to the attention of the invigilator.
  18. Candidates who fail to present themselves at an examination without satisfactory reason(s) shall be deemed to have failed the examination. Reasons for being absent from any paper which refer to any of the following shall not be entertained:
      • Mis-reading of end-of-semester Examination Timetable;
      • Forgetting the date or time of examination;
      • Inability to locate the venue of examination;
      • Failure to find transport;
      • Loss of a relation;
      • pregnancy, (without medical report);
      • Police arrest, legal case;
      • Acts of God – heavy danger, excessive heat;
      • Religious grounds.
  19. A breach of any of the foregoing regulations made for the conduct of University Examinations may attract one or more of the following sanctions:
      • A reprimand;
      • Loss of marks;
      • Cancellation of a paper;
      • With-holding of results for a period.
  20. Further to (xvii) penalty, grade Z (Examination malpractice) shall be awarded whenever it is established that a candidate had attempted to gain an unfair advantage in an examination. Further sanctions may include:
      • Being barred from University examinations indefinitely;
      • Suspension from the University;
      • Expulsion from the University.

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