The management of ITECPD has released the UEW affiliated colleges re-sit examination dates and fees for teacher trainees.
The decision to retake the exam has been made by ITECPD following the release of the colleges of education results for colleges associated with UEW for the 2021/2022 academic year for all levels (First and Second Semester for level 100 and only the First Semester for levels 300 and 400).
The dates for the exam and the costs involved are revealed in a letter from ITECPD dated March 22, 2023, sent to all college of education principals affiliated with UEW.
At the emergency Professional Advisory Board Meeting of the Institute for Teacher Education and Continuing Professional Development (ITECPD) held on 14th to 15th March 2023, the re-sit and supplementary examination were discussed.
UEW Affiliated Colleges Re-Sit Examination Dates and Fees
The following decision was taken to guide the conduct of the resit and supplementary examinations for students of colleges affiliated with UEW:
- Candidates who failed their end-of-semester courses are to register for the failed courses, pay the Re-Sit fees and write the examination on the designated dates for the examination.
- Candidates who for one reason or another, especially medical and approved reasons, could not write the End of Semester Examinations will have to register to write the outstanding papers as supplementary.
- Candidates writing supplementary examinations would have to pay all outstanding fees owed to the college before they could register.
Resit Examination Fees
The resit examination fee is Two Hundred and Thirty Ghana cedis (GH₵230.00) for all courses per semester.
Dates for Resit Examination
This is the schedule for the Resit and Supplementary examinations for the 2022/2023 academic year:
- 1st Semester Courses – 10th to 14th April 2023 (For level 100, 200, and 300 courses)
- 2nd Semester Courses – 17th to 21st April 2023 (Level 100 courses only)
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