UCC 3-SEM Degree Top-Up Programmes/Courses and Study Centre For 2021

By | March 6, 2021

The Institute of Education, University of Cape Coast, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) runs 3-Semester Bachelor of Education (Post-Diploma in Basic Education) Programmes in sandwich mode.

This is to enable holders of a Diploma in Basic Education (DBE) to be upgraded to Bachelor’s degree. The first cohort of students started the first semester of the Academic Year in December. The second cohort commences on Monday, March 15th.

How To Apply For UCC 3-SEM Degree Top-Up

Interested applicants should apply at topup.ucc.edu.gh. Qualified applicants will be enrolled automatically on their choice of programme.

NOTE THAT ONLY those who have passed the Diploma in Basic Education Examinations or have the DBE Certificate will be required to fill the form online. NO fee is required before filling the application form online.

Applicants will be required to indicate the programme of their choice and the Study Centre, in line with their elective subject areas.

UCC 3-SEM Degree Top-Up Programmes / Courses

  •  B.ED. (Post-Diploma) Early Childhood Education
  • B.ED. (Post-Diploma) Primary Education
  •  B.ED. (Post-Diploma) Junior High School (JHS) Education

UCC 3-SEM Degree Top-Up Study Centers

Below are the UCC 3-SEM Degree Top-Up study centers.

Apart from the Early Childhood Education programme, applicants for Primary and JHS programmes should choose centres that offer their corresponding elective subjects.

1 Early Childhood Education 1. St. Louis
2. Tumu COE, Tumu
2 Technical skills 1. Ada COE, Ada
Ghanaian Language (Ga and Dangbme) ————————-
3 Home Economics 1. NJA COE, Wa
2. St. Joseph COE, Bechem
3. Komenda COE, Komenda
4. Presbyterian COE, Akropong
4 French 1. Enchi COE, Enchi
5 Science 1. Komenda COE, Komenda
Mathematics 2. Presbyterian COE, Akropong
6 Mathematics 1. Mccoy COE, Nadowli
2. St. Joseph COE, Bechem
3. Komenda COE, Komenda
4. Presbyterian COE, Akropong
5. Francis COE, Hohoe
7 Science 1. EP COE, Bimbilla
2. St. Joseph COE, Bechem
3. Komenda COE, Komenda
4. Presbyterian COE, Akropong
8 English Language 1. NJA COE, Wa
2. St. Ambrose COE, Dormaa Akwamu
3. Komenda COE, Komenda
4. Presbyterian COE, Akropong
5. Francis COE, Hohoe
9 Social studies 1. E. P. Bimbilla CoE, Bimbilla
2. NJA CoE, Wa
3. St. Ambrose CoE, Dormaa Akwamu
4. Atebubu CoE, Atebubu
5. Al-Faruq CoE, Wenchi
6. Enchi CoE, Enchi
7. Komenda CoE, Komenda
8. Presbyterian CoE, Akropong
9. St. Francis CoE, Hohoe
10 ICT 1. St. Francis CoE, Hohoe
2. Komenda CoE, Komenda
3. Presbyterian CoE, Akropong
4. Mccoy CoE, Nadowli
11 RME 1. NJA CoE, Wa
2. St. Ambrose CoE, Dormaa
3. Atebubu CoE, Atebubu
4. Al-Faruq CoE, Wenchi
5. Enchi CoE, Enchi
6. Presbyterian CoE, Akropong
12 Agricultural Science 1. E. P. Bimbilla CoE, Bimbilla
2. St. Joseph CoE, Bechem
13 Visual Arts 1. St. Ambrose CoE, Dormaa Akwamu
2. St. Francis CoE, Hohoe
14 Performing arts 1. St. Joseph CoE, Bechem
2. Atebubu COE, Atebubu
15 Physical Education 1. Komenda COE, Komenda
16 Ghanaian Language (Gonja and Dagbani) 1. E. P. Bimbilla CoE, Bimbilla
17 Ghanaian Language (Dagaare, kasem Guruni) 1. NJA CoE, Wa
18 Ghanaian Language (Twi) 1. St. Ambrose CoE, Dormaa Akwamu
2. Atebubu COE, Atebubu
3. Presbyterian CoE, Akropong
19 Ghanaian Language (mfanste) 1. Komenda COE, Komenda
20 Ghanaian Language (ewe) 1. St.Francis COE,Hohoe

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3 thoughts on “UCC 3-SEM Degree Top-Up Programmes/Courses and Study Centre For 2021

  1. Parnor Richard Samuel Adu

    Please I will be glad if you kindly give me Akropong Presbyterian College of education as my center for the 3 semesters top up course 2022/.
    Counting on your usual co-operations.


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