NABCO: When Will February 2021 Stipends be Paid?
Nabco stipends for the past few months usually get paid within the first and second week of the new month.
For instance, trainees who work for a particular month say January, get their stipends paid in the first and second week of February. This has been a trend when it comes to the payment of NABCO trainee’s stipends.
Even though that shouldn’t be the case, but These trainees are now used to the payment method and they are ok.
Now the month of February has ended and we are in the second week of March, trainees have begun to ask questions as to when February stipends will be paid since mostly they get their payment not later than the 12th of the new month.
Most trainees anticipated 13th March 2021 to be the payday, but to their disappointment, the days came and passed with no pay. Information reaching our team indicated that, the February payment of stipends my delay since there is ongoing validation for stipends arrears.
In the Circular sighted, it shows that the NABCO Validation portal has been opened for all district coordinators to validate trainees with arrears starting from July 2020 to February 2021.
In that document, it stated that some District payment validation for February was not been able to be approved by their region hence, the need to reopen the portal for their approval.
When Will February 2021 Stipends be Paid?
From what we’ve seen, the validation for the Arrears and approval of February 2021 Validation of some Districts is expected to be closed on the 16th of March 2021. This means stipends for February 2021 will not be paid not after the said day. If what we saw was true, that means trainees should expect their stipends after 17th March 2021.
It’s worth noting that, NABCO stipends payment date has no fixed day, and hence NABCO can decide to go ahead and pay those districts whose regions were able to approve the validation, and hence payment can be effected starting from Monday 14th March 2021.
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